By private transport For parking, enter "Piazza Brocchi - Montagnola" in the navigator. If you come from South or North take the motorway exit Lugano Sud and the following route:
- Motorway Exit: Lugano Sud
- Towards Lugano, Paradiso
- Towards Lugano-Lago
- Towards Ponte Tresa, Agno Airport
- Towards Sorengo, Ponte Tresa
- Towards Collina d'Oro
- Towards Gentilino, Montagnola, Agra
- S. Abbondio Church and Cemetery
- Montagnola, Piazza Brocchi
- Museo Hermann Hesse Montagnola
There are three public parking places near the Museum. The parking place in Piazza Brocchi is «zona blu», where you are allowed to park only for an hour. It is advisable to use the parking places indicated as P2 and P3, where parking is unlimited. From here you can reach the old town and after about 150 metres you get to Casa Camuzzi and Torre Camuzzi.
By public transportIf you come by train, either from South or from North, you get to Lugano railway station (Stazione FFS). Behind the station there is a bus stop (linea 436); the bus starts from the centre of Lugano (Autosilo in Via Serafino Balestra) to Agra and stops in Montagnola, at Piazza Brocchi. Journey time: approx. 15 minutes. Information about bus timetablesAutoPostale Svizzera SA Regione Ticino Punto vendita Via Serafino Balestra 4 6900 Lugano T 091 807 85 20 F 091 923 69 39 E ticino@autopostale.chTimetable Bus 436 Lugano-Montagnola (PDF)Online Timetable: Bus Timetable >>>ffs.ch >>> |