Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola

© Texts
Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola

© Watercolours

Hesse Family

© Photos

For all photos by Martin Hesse:

©ProLitteris, Zürich. All copying as well as any other use is prohibited without the prior consent of ProLitteris (with exception of the legally permitted uses).
For all other photos:

© Hermann Hesse-Editionsarchiv Volker Michels, Offenbach am Main

Illustrated letters
Hesse family

All the information published on the website of the Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola are exclusive property of the Foundation.
The use, reproduction and distribution of these information is authorized only for a non-commercial purpose on condition that  the  source is explicitly quoted.
The use of photographs, watercolours and illustrated letters is is prohibited.
This material is protected by the international laws of copyrights.

Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola
Casella postale 214
CH-6926 Montagnola

Museo Hermann Hesse Montagnola, Regina Bucher

Graphic, navigation and implementation
Studio grafico > Laurent Nicod, Montagnola

Realization of informatic system
Assolo Networks SA, Bellinzona

Italian translations
Manuela Cattaneo

English translations
Lucilla Janssen

German translations
Regina Bucher
© Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola