Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola
In order to be able to offer, also in the future, a wide, high-quality programme, the Foundation needs subsidies. Supporters' membership allows the Foundation to finance exhibitions, readings, concerts and lectures which take place at the Museum.

As reward, members have free admission to the Museum and all information about our programme. The annual membership contribution is Fr. 100.– (AVS and students Fr. 50.–).

Donors (from Fr. 1000.– annual) will receive a small gift and will have the right to special conditions on special events, which take place at the Museum.

In Switzerland, donations to our Foundation can be deducted from taxes.

Photo Martin Hesse © all rights reserved

Bank information for money transfer

Bank  account: 

Fondazione Hermann Hesse – Montagnola
Banca Raiffeisen, Colline del Ceresio, 6942 Savosa


Account no. 36 6770 8


IBAN: CH73 8036 2000 0036 6770 8








Conto corrente postale
Fondazione Hermann Hesse – Montagnola


Account no. 65-712219-6


IBAN: CH64 0900 0000 6571 2219 6 



© Fondazione Hermann Hesse Montagnola